9/25 Celebrated Beverly’s Birthday- My very wonderful mother-in-law, the most genuinely nice person you’ll ever meet. Love her Tonzs (and her son)!!
David & Beverly
9/28 Checked out the Fall decorations with my mom and sister Jackie at Disneyland. Finally, made it on the Finding Nemo ride.
9/29 Painted a bedroom(after getting three layers of wallpaper off previously). David helped a lot!
9/29 Took a fun break to go out to eat with family, provided Dan and Sarah suggested a great place to eat near their place in HB. Love them!!
Dan & my cousin Sarah (sorry I nabbed the photo)
10/1 Called AAA when David’s key got lost in the Ocean. Found out his key has a computer chip in it, and $120 dollars later drove home. (My super surfer boss said she’s done this twice – we don’t feel bad anymore).Finally, I went to work, Mon.-Fri. Flammability Rocks!
hey! I got your text but forgot to respond! today has been a horrible day for me, me and Dan are in a fight :( i'll probably post something about it when i have some more free time, love you guys!
That goggle thing is hilarious! What an eventful week!
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